Archive for the ‘ Events ’ Category

 IPWEA is supporting RedR Australia and is part of the Wear Red Day on Friday 18th February to raise awareness about RedR Australia and to raise funds to support RedR Australia work with humanitarian relief agencies.

 Visit RedR Australia website


David Eltringham from Engineers Australia is organising a debrief for Municipal Engineers involved in the recent flood events.  This will occur on 15th and 16th March at the Port of Echuca Motel/Conference Centre, 465 High St Echuca . 

The event will kick off with an informal lunch between 12noon and 2pm followed by an open discussion between 2pm and 5pm concluding in a shared evening dinner.  John Forrest, local MP, has agreed to attend the gathering.  Day two will commence at 8:30am and will go through until 3pm with an improessivel line up of speakers to stimulate discussion aound emergency management and the flooding issues in country Victoira in particular. 

If you would like to :

  • Share your January, 2011, Flood management Experiences with like minded Engineers and Operatives
  • Find out what worked and what did not work in the Flood events 
  • What do we all have to do  for  better preparedness and management , next flood or storm  event

then register your interest in attending this forum by sending an email to

Register your interest in attending by sending an email to  Details of hte program will be avaialbe shortly

The first IPWEAvic Business Breakfast in the Leadership Series was held on Thursday 10 February 2011. Participants sipped an orange juice on the terrace overlooking the grass tennis courts and chatted upon arrival. They then were treated to a yummy cooked breakfast whilst listening to two public works leaders share their thoughts on good leadership.

David Morse who is the General Manager Capital Delivery at Melbourne Water gave a talk cumulating in these take home messages

  • Leadership is a complex dynamic 
  • Good leaders require a flexible approach
  • Leadership is important at all levels
  • Not the exclusive reserve of senior management
  • Capitalise on your strengths
  • Be aware of your weaknesses
  • Be considerate – you are dealing with people
  • Be yourself
  • We can all be better leaders – better Project Managers
  • Actions speak louder than words

There was great interest from the attendees around David’s methods on delivery of his huge capital works program.

Kerry Thompson, CEO Wyndham City Council, told her leadership story to the gathering. Many of her points reinforced David’s presentation and she captivated the audience with her story.

Congratulations to Maurice Stabb who won a bottle of wine for sitting in the “lucky chair”

The Stormwater Industry Association ( Stormwater Victoria) is running a half day seminar on Wednesday 9th March 2011 8:30am to 1pm at Flemington Racecourse committee room.  

The mini-conference will be opened by the Mininster for Water followed by a series of short presentations from key stormwater stakeholders, aimed at explaining their positions in the scheme of Integrated Water Management and in particular, their relationships with and responsibilities for stormwater.

Download the brochure and registration form here SV Mini-seminar.  RSVP by Wed 23rd Feb

Engineers Australia have named 2011 as “The Year of Humanitarian Engineering” (YOHE).

To launch the YOHE, Engineers Australia Victoria Division has invited Mr Peter Baxter, Director General, AusAID to present as Keynote at the Fellows Luncheon on Thursday, 10 March. Mr Baxter will address the audience on the important contributions Engineers have made to the re-development of disaster areas and how we can further assist in the future.

The luncheon is to be held at Palladium Ballroom Crown towers 12 till 2pm.  Download the brochure here

The Australian Construction Equipment Expo is to be held at Sandown Racecourse between 24 and 26 February 2011. 

Note:  You must pre-register if you want to obtain free admission to the event otherwise the cost of entry is $20.  Pre-register here.

As part of the Sustainable Living Festival being held in Melbourne 12-27th February 2011 the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF) will hold a forum: 

Fast Track Transport for Sustainable Cities

on Wednesday 16th February 2011
time: 4:45pm for 5:00pm -7:00pm
where: Swanston Hall, Level 1, Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne

Forum Chair: Cr Jackie Fristacky, MTF Chair
Speakers and topics :
– Brian Howe – Planning for Cities
– Marcus Spiller – Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning
– Andrew Lezala – Metro Rail Services
– Alan Burns – High Speed Rail Linking Cities

RSVP: There is no entry charge. Bookings by COB 14 February to

Road pricing: what’s the case?

Road pricing is without doubt a contentious and difficult issue for politicians and the community at large.  But that’s no reason to shy away from an informed and open debate.  On January 31 in Melbourne, Roads Australia is hosting a Road Pricing Forum that will give protagonists for reform the opportunity to state their case.  The Forum will include presentations from Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, Consult Australia and the Bus Industry Confederation – three important stakeholder groups that have recently released comprehensive policy positions on road pricing.  Professor John Daley from the Grattan Institute will discuss the international experience, and Maxine McKew will host a ‘Q&A’ style panel session of expert commentators dissecting the proposed solutions and questioning the way forward.

This event is a ‘must’ for anyone with an interest in how we fund and finance road construction and maintenance at a time when traditional funding sources are under increasing pressure.

View Road Australia website for more information

DATE & TIME: January 31, 2011  9am to 2.30pm (including lunch)
VENUE: Leonda by the Yarra, 2 Wallen Road, Hawthorn
HOW TO BOOK: Members $250 (plus GST), Non-members $275 (plus GST)
SAVE with a CORPORATE TABLE BOOKING $1,750 (plus GST) Table of 8.  Pay for 7 seats and received 1 FREE Seat.  An ideal opportunity to invite guests to attend and industry event.

IPWEAvic will host a Business Breakfast as the first in the IPWEAvic Leadership Series for 2011 on 10 Feb 2011 at Kooyong Tennis Centre Function Room from 7:30am to 9am.  Rob Skinner, CEO from Melbourne Water and Kerry Thompson, CEO from Wyndham City Council will speak on the challenges of leading organisations in a growth environment with huge demands on infrastructure.

Download the brochurehere

Cost of breakfast is $40 for IPWEAvic members and $65 for non-members

Register for the event here

IPWEAvic End of Year Luncheon is to be held on Friday 10th December 2010 at Malvern Valley Golf Club between 12noon and 2pm.  Cost is $65 for a 2 course christmas meal.  This event is the first in the IPWEAvic leadership speaker series. At this lunch two of our public works leaders will share some tips on how to become better leaders and advance your career.  All welcome.

Download registration form here

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