Victoria Univesity has launched a National WIL Portal which is a web-based platform connecting industry, the professions and the community with tertiary institutions across Australia for Work Integrated learning.

“WIL providers” (employers and host organisations offering work integrated learning opportunities) may be of interest to your organisation. The National WIL Portal is a free service
You can connect online quickly and easily to provide information about your work integrated learning opportunities. Your information is distributed to contacts from your tertiary education
partners who will assist you to connect with suitable student candidates.

The National WIL Portal aims to provide employers from industry, community and the professions with a practical, robust and streamlined mechanism through which relationships
with their “community of practice” partners can be built and strengthened.

Benefits for employers include:

a “one stop shop” for promotion of WIL opportunities
streamlined contact with tertiary education providers
work integrated learning information, resources and support

For further information or technical support, please contact

The National WIL Portal is free to use. Register at

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