Archive for May 26th, 2014

The Victorian State Government released Plan Melbourne on 19th May 2014

Visit Plan Melbourne website to download a copy of the document

and find links for

  • Summary Guide
  • Resource library
  • Suburbs profile tool
  • an interactive online 360deg panoramic images tool to view places of interest in metro Melbourne
  • map room
  • fact sheets

IPWEAvic Procurement for Capital Works Delivery Seminar was held on 21st May 2014 at Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre.  It was a terrific conversation with delegates having traveled from all parts of the state to listen to a series of quality speakers and join the networking and discussion..

The Seminar program can be downloaded HERE

The powerpoint presentations of the speakers are listed below and can be accessed  by clicking on the presenters name:

Best Practice for Local Government Procurement – Paul Roche, Senior Project Manager, Local Government Victoria, Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure

CEO’s Perspective of Procurement of Capital WorksWarren Robert, Chief Executive Officer, City of Stonnington

Corruption Protection in Procurement, Mark Hayes, Partner, Maddocks

Completion Management, Laurice Temple, Director Construction Management Results

CASE STUDY: Procurement – A Rural Perspective, Ian McLauchlan, Director Operations, Loddon Shire

Commercial and Financial Risks in Today’s Market, Geoff Glynn, Director Assets and City Services, Banyule City Council

What Makes a Successful Project? Phil Warner, General Manager Infrastructure, City of Whitehorse

Ensuring Competitiveness and Minimising Risk to Council below Legislated Tender ThresholdsVicki Shelton, Manager Engineering Services, City of Greater Geelong and Tony Kerr, Coordinator Procurement City of Greater Geelong

Procurement Planning and Contract Management, Cameron Spence, Manager – Commercial Services, Municipal Association Victoria and Chris Newman, Director, ArcBlue

Victorian’s Transport Infrastructure Program, Gary Liddle, Deputy Secretary for Transport, Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure

Thanks goes to the seminar organiser MECC Consulting Pty Ltd and the MC for the event, Claude Cullino.

For reference The Victorian Government’s official population and household projections can be found via this link:


An IPWEAvic Ladies High Tea Event has been organised for 20th June 2014 in Geelong.

Elaine Carbines, CEO G21, will speak on Women in Leadership in Public Works.

The event is kindly sponsored by Dial Before You Dig

More information contact IPWEAvic Board member: Vicki Shelton

**SAVE the DATE**

The 2014 National Works & Engineering Conference is to be held 25th and 26th September at Bendigo Showgrounds.  The new format includes the Parks Sector.


Australia’s Premier Event for Public Works

Bigger and Better Than Ever in 2014

A Must-attend Event:

  • Live on site demonstrations of all the latest equipment
  • Learn practical insights on selection and use of equipment
  • More equipment on display than at any other event
  • Professional Development for a range of staff
  • Meet leaders and peers to form valuable networks
  • NEW Parks equipment and content in 2014

 Thursday 25th September & Friday 26th September 2014, Prince of Wales Showgrounds, Bendigo

Please lock this into your diary &  BUDGET for at least 3 delegates from your organisation to attend

Who Should Attend:

  • Senior Managers and Directors
  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Contracting Staff
  • Parks Staff
  • Works/Infrastructure Staff
  • Maintenance Staff
  • Operational Engineers
  • Procurement Officers

Final program available shortly

Download the conference flyer and registration details HERE

** SAVE the DATE **

An ARRB information Seminar supported by IPWEAvic on” Getting the Most Out of Your Road Networks” to be held on 17th July 2014.  This is a repeat of the “sell out” IPWEAvic Information Series Event held last year facilitated by Robert Ladd.   Our President, Ross Goyne, will be attending and facilitating the event on behalf of IPWEAvic.  Information and registration details are shown in the attached flyer.  It would be appreciated if you could please pass on information relating to this event to those in your network who you think may be interested in attending and who missed out last year.

Download registration details HERE

IPWEA Victoria has received a letter from AustStab, notifying of some significant reductions in membership fees for government contracting stabilisation groups.  This may be of interest to members who operate their own stabilistation plant.

Read a copy of the letter HERE


IPWEAvic is undertaking an Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Harvesting Devices Benchmarking project.  We are currently collecting benchmarking data relating to the operation and maintenance costs of certain stormwater harvesting devices.  The results of the benchmarking data will be made available on the IPWEAvic website.  If you would like to be part of this project please download a copy of the questionnaire here or contact Iouri for a copy of the questionnaire

The Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) Indicator workbook version 4.0 has been updated and comments are now sought. Download a copy of the workbook HERE

Version 4.0 incorporates various changes to indicators and measures following results of data trial 2, submissions to the Regulatory Impact Statement and feedback from relevant State Departments. Changes in individual indicators and measures are outlined in Appendix B as well as marked up in track changes.

The workbook has been developed to support users in their understanding and use of the 71 quantitative (70 mandatory and 1 optional) and 24 qualitative indicators and measures which make up the LGPRF. It contains a description and rationale for each indicator and details of the measures including a definition, computation, permissible values, data sources for each element and explanation of key terms. This information is important to ensure the consistency, quality and accuracy of data provided by councils as part of reporting against the LGPRF.

Any comments or feedback in relation to version 4.0 should be directed to by 20 June 2014. A final designed and published version will be available in early July

Representing IPWEAvic, Board member Kim Sedgwick attended the official opening of the Downer Bayswater Asphalt Manufacturing Facility on Wednesday 21 May 2014.

The facility is the second of its kind, there is the same model built in Adelaide.  It has a storage capacity of 400tonne.  Take a look at this article for more information.













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