Archive for September, 2013

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria Division for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 will be held on Thursday 10th October 2013 at Arlington Reception Centre, Malvern Valley Golf Club, 1 Golfer Drive, East Malvern at 5:30pm.


1.   Credentialing and apologies

2.  Confirmation of minutes of previous Annual General Meeting

3.  Presentation of President’s Report

4.  Presentation of Audited Statement of Accounts

5.  Appointment of Auditor

6.  Determination of Honoraria

9.  Results of 2013 Elections for Directors to IPWEAvic Board

10. Motions on Notice

11. General Business

Download a copy of the Agenda  here.

Download a copy of the Minutes  of the last AGM here.

Download a copy of the Financial  Statements  of the company for the year ended 30 June 2013 here. (available shortly)


A  member entitled to vote at the AGM may appoint a proxy to vote on his or her behalf.  A proxy shall be in the approved form  available by  clicking here.
Proxies must be received at least 48hrs before  the  meeting.

Download  a copy of the proxy form here.

Anne Gibbs,

CEO and Returning Officer,
IPWEA vic.

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