Archive for May, 2011

The Economist magazine has published an article on Australia in its latest edition.

Australia is described as having huge potential and suggests it needs to become more willing to develop policies that will position the country for the future, including

  • creation of a sovereign wealth fund,
  • encouraging immigration,
  • investing in education,
  • tackling climate change and fostering the arts.

Access the article here

Tony Rijs has been awarded the Cedric Tuxen Medal by the Municipal Engineering Foundation of Victora at a Gala Dinner on 11 May 2011.

Tony is a Director at City of Kingston and is a public works engineering practitioner who has displayed engineering excellence continuously over a long and distinguished local government career.  He has at all times shared his experience and knowledge with colleagues in the sector for the advancement and promotion of public works engineering and local government engineering in particular.

  • Tony served as an IPWEA(Vic) Board representative on the joint IPWEA/MWOA Conference Committee for over 15 years, overseeing the Conference program and the technical content in particular.  In that time, he was instrumental in taking the Conference from a State event to a National event.  The Conference proceeds over that time have continuously grown and been fundamental to the financial wellbeing of both the MWOA(Vic) and IPWEA(Vic).
  • Tony actively served on the IPWEA(Vic) Board for over a decade and gave generously of his time to the development of local government and public works engineering.
  • Tony has been a regular presenter at conferences, seminars and industry events, and is widely regarded in the sector for his expertise and knowledge
  • Tony has undertaken at least two overseas study tours to research and report on key municipal engineering activities.
  • Tony has held Executive positions in local government engineering for over two decades at Mordialloc and Kingston Councils and provided industry leadership and innovation in areas like waste management, rehabilitation of old landfill sites, procurement and WSUD.

The online feedback survey for the 2011 IPWEAvic Public Works Management Conference will be open until Friday 10th June 2011. 

If you attended the recent IPWEAvic Public Works Management Conference on 11 and 12 May 2011 at Melbourne and Olympic Park and have not as yet filled out the feedback survey and would like to give some feedback please access the online survey here

The survey should take you less than 5 minutes.

The IPWEAvic Central Highlands Regional Group will take part in the Annual Ballarat Grammar Careers night planned for 22nd August 2011.  IPWEAvic has taken out a stand at this careers night.  If you would liek to assist on the stand please contact IPWEAvic Cental Highlands Regional Group Secretary, Diane Daniell, at Central Goldfileds Shire.

Renewal notices for your IPWEAvic membership for the 2011/20112 financial year have been posted to all members.  In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of the online newsletter, PWE Journal and continuity in access to information services, events, professional development and networking opportunities we invite you to renew your membership promptly.

 Flexibility in payment of membership fees is available and you can use any of the following renewal options:

  • Call our Administration Officer, Mandy, on 0419 105 788 to pay via credit card
  • Fax the remittance advice including your credit card details to (03) 5250 3008
  • Post a cheque payable to: IPWEA vic  to PO Box 1254 Geelong 3220
  • Pay by direct debit into Commonwealth Bank Account
    • Account No: 1014 5355, BSB: 063 633.  Remember to place an identifier such as your invoice number or name accompanying the direct debit payment
  • Pay online via credit card using the membership renewal form by posting the following url into your browser
  • Please call our office if you require a purchase order to be arranged

 Should you have further queries regarding your membership or payment please call our office or email

Please see below for details on a recent report on

Building Community Disaster Resilience through Private-Public Collaboration is a publication by Committee on Private-Public Sector Collaboration to Enhance Community Disaster Resilience, Geographical Science Committee, National Research Council that assesses the current state of private-public sector collaboration dedicated to strengthening community resilience, identifies gaps in knowledge and practice, and recommends research that could be targeted for investment.   It can be accessed  here

On 18 May 2011, the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport released Our Cities, Our Future – A National Urban Policy for a productive, sustainable and liveable future. Our Cities, Our Future was developed by the Major Cities Unit; part of the Department of Infrastructure and Transport and is seen as a blueprint for making Australia’s 18 biggest cities and regional centres more productive, sustainable and liveable.  The document considers ways to: 

  • better connect infrastructure with work and opportunity in cities to reduce people’s dependency on the car; 
  • develop high quality public transport and infrastructure systems to ease congestion and improve quality of life;
  • reduce the carbon footprint of cities and adapt them to the consequences of climate change; and
  • improve urban planning and design to better reflect increasingly diverse lifestyles.

 More information and to access the document click  here

ALGCE Newsletter Number 3 can be downloaded from this url

ACELG has released the Asset Management for Small, Rural and Remote Communities practice note which will be distributed free of charge to all councils across the country with a population less than 5,000.

The Geelong Regional Group has orgnaised a site tour of the Eastern Beach Swimning Pool Construciton Project at 2pm on Thursday 26th May.  Dean Wearne (GHD) will give a short talk about the design issues that were encountered with this heritage project.

Members that would like to attend should assemble at Eastern Beach Swimming Pool,  2pm on Thursday 26 May 2011.  You will be observing from outside the site so no induction or PPE will be required.

For further details contact Vicki Shelton, no need to RSVP, just attend on the day if you wish.

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