Archive for April 9th, 2011

Released in March 2011 the roadmap includes recommendations to guide the establishment of Melbourne as a world leader in integrated water cycle management and make our urban landscapes more liveable and sustainable.

The Living Melbourne, Living Victoria roadmap outlines eight recommended areas for reform:

  • An agreed vision for the contribution of water to urban liveability, through protection from flooding, improving the health of urban waterways and supporting green landscapes
  • Greater customer choice and innovation in the water products on offer, the water charges they pay and their level of service
  • Improved integration of urban and water planning through planning and building regulations that facilitate integrated water cycle management
  • Optimised use of all available water sources, including fit-for-purpose alternative water supplies
  • Better environmental and public health outcomes supported by clear regulations to ensure both customers and the environment are protected
  • A common approach to the economic evaluation of water projects to ensure broader benefits, such as downstream water quality and reduced risk of flooding, are recognised
  • Approaches to pricing that recognises the value of the water resource and rewards customers for conserving water
  • Strengthened institutional and governance arrangements to hold service providers to account for their performance

Take a look at the document here

Gary Mawby

April 9, 2011 | No Comments | News

Gary Mawby has announced his retirement. Gary has been very active in the North West Region working out of Towong Shire Council and will be greatly missed. He was the IPWEAvic North-East Regioanl Co-ordinator and assisted greatly in the recent reforming of IPWEAvic.
Best wishes Gary in your retirement.

On 14 February 2011 EPA Victoria released the Tullamarine Landfill – Community Health and Environment Report, consisting of three new pieces of research designed to provide the community with more information about the now closed landfill:
– a study by Cancer Council Victoria into cancer rates in areas near the Tullamarine Landfill, confrimng no link found between cancer rates and landfill,
– an independent review of the landfill’s cap concluding the cap design conforms with international best practice standards and it would provide long-term protection for the surrounding community and environment.
– a study of past and present air quality at the Tullamarine Landfill. The comprehensive study of past and present air monitoring data showed the risk to the community from three pollutants; benzene, vinyl chloride and trichloroethylene, was negligible.

The full report, an executive summary and source documents can be viewed at:

Take a look at the March edition of vicRoads Worksite Safety Update here

Areas addressed in this bulletin :
– Speed enforcement initatives on M80 Project
– West Gate Bridge underbridge inspection and maintenance
– Safe work method statements for road construciton

IPWEA presents this new series of workshops for practitioners in Building Asset Management. The Workshops focus on the practicalities of how to prepare and undertake a building condition survey including data analysis, reporting and more.

The workshops are based on the concepts & guidelines in IPWEA’s Practice Note 3 for Buildings – Practical Building Condition and Performance Assessment. 
Workshop Objectives
– Improve buildings asset management practice
– Provide a consistent approach to buildings survey and condition assessment
– Provide hands-on professional development
 Key Topics Covered in the Workshops
– Defining business needs
– Level of detail for survey
– Condition rating
– Performance assessment
– Functional requirements
– Tool kit and system choices
– Prepare and carry out practical survey
– Case study
– Analyse and report survey
– Valuations
 Who Should Attend
Building asset practitioners including engineers, building surveyors, technical officers, inspectors and assessors. Applicable to local government, public works or other organisations (public or private) that rely on buildings to provide services for their community, customers and stakeholders.  

Download registration form and details here

An Infrastructure Reference Panel Working Group has been established to address a range of road authority issues around utility works on roads, and compliance with the requirements of the Road Management Act (RMA); and a number of issues around (inconsistent) Council and VicRoads processes and requirements that impact on the ability of utilities to undertake their works efficiently and in a cost effective manner.

Here are some of the issues of road authorities and utilties that work in roads have cited.  Do you agree?  Do you disagree?  Do you have other road authotity/utility issues in working in council road space? Please let us know

IPWEAvic Board member David Sutcliffe from Central Goldfields Shire is a participatant in the Working Group to address the road authority / utility issues concerning works on roads.

David would like to hear from you if you have any road authority/utility issues concerning works on roads.

The following IPWEAvic members will be heading off to USA Belgim and UK on a Study Tour later this year Katherine O’Connell from Stonnington, Peter Robinson from Warrnambool, Matthew Hill from Wyndham and Chris Lyne from Mornington Peninsula.  These 4 are receipients of the Municipal Engineering Foundation Study Tour award.  As part of thier award they will visit the American Public Works Association Annual Confernece.

A luncheon will be arranged by MEFvic in July to award these receipients.

The AUS-SPEC Asset Management Benchmark Survey 2011 has been mailed out to the CEOs/General Managers of all Local Government Councils and is also available online on

The AUS-SPEC Asset Management Benchmark Survey is intended to assist Local Councils to determine priority action for asset management by measuring key performance indicators. The survey results will allow Councils to benchmark their performance against others.

After the survey closing date of 29th April 2011, the results will be compiled and then presented at the IPWEA International Public Works Conference in August 2011.

We encourage all IPWEA VIC members representing Local Government Councils to participate in the survey.

View WHK Market Update for 7 April 2011 here.  For more information visit WHK website here.

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