Archive for October 29th, 2010

 The IPWEAvic 2009/2010 Annual Review Document can be read on line.  Access by clicking here

DPCD Local Government Victoria, under the Council’s Reforming Business intitative, launched a Procurement ehub on Thursday 21 October 2010.  The ehub is for those who are interested in Procurement in Local Govenrment and contains a useful procurement toolbox and a discussion forum where you can talk online with other procurement practitioners.

The Summer 2010 edition of SPECnotes, the quarterly newsletter from NATSPEC, is now available – access it by clicking hereThe latest TECHnotes Index can be viewed here

Please visit the natspec website to view updates on TECHnotes and the Specifying ESD TECHreport

View WHK Market Update for 28 October 2010 here

For more information visit WHK website here.

WHK new address is Level 17, 181 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. WHK main telephone contact number has also changed to 03 9258 6700.

Results of 2010 Elections for Directors to IPWEAvic Board announced on 14th October 2010 at AGM

The Incoming Board of Directors comprises:

  • Mauro Covacci, Wyndham City Council (re-election)
  • Claude Cullino, CCF(re-election)
  • Ross Goyne, Ross J Goyne Consulting Pty Ltd (re-election)
  • Matthew Hill, Wyndham City Council
  • Thomas Kuen, Melbourne Water (re-election)
  • Michael McGlade, Wyndham City Council (re-election)
  • David Powell, Boroondara City Council (re-election)
  • Vicki Shelton, City of Greater Geelong (re-election)
  • David Suttcliffe, Central Goldfields Shire Council (re-election)
  • Mark Varmalis, Shire of Yarra Ranges (re-election)
  • Steven White, Boroondara City Council

The outgoing Board members are Bruce Douglas and Geoff Glynn and thier work over the past few years has been very much appreciated.

Take a look at each Board members profile Board Profiles 2010 Elected Board

To the Institute of Public Works and Engineering Australia –

I am writing to you with news of the ACELG ‘Learning in Local Government’ project, a research and consultation process regarding the Education and Professional Development needs of local government in Australia. At the same time as progressing some specific training initiatives, ACELG aims to undertake an inventory and gap analysis of the sector as a whole to inform future program development. I attach a file (click here to download) which contains links to a discussion paper as well as an online survey, and I would like to invite your participation.

LG Sector Survey

Local government councillors and employed staff are invited to complete the online survey, so if you could distribute this flyer to others who may be interested that would also be much appreciated. I would like to get a stronger response from your membership – at present only a small number of the over 400 respondents are your members! Survey responses are due by the 5th November.

Making a Submission

Local government associations and training providers are also invited to review the inventory of training programs, discuss training delivery challenges in the local government sector, comment on identified training gaps, and discuss medium-term opportunities for the development of new programs. Submission deadlines have been extended, and are due by the 20th November.

Kind Regards,

Sarah Artist,  Program Manager, UTS Centre for Local Government, 0409 830 283

Take a look at the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government Newsletter by following this url


MEF Victoria is making scholarship awards available to engineers who are working within local government in Victoria.  Up to four overseas study tour places are being offered and it is proposed that the four recipients will participate in a Victorian group focused tour.

Nominations are now being invited for these scholarships.

MEF Victoria has formed the view that there are a number of important community issues regarding project management, storm water and waste management, impact of climate change, and the planning and delivery of public works where the results of research overseas may significantly benefit the municipal engineering profession.  The Foundation would welcome and give priority to nominations that address these important topics.  This is not to exclude other study topics of choice that has been a successful feature of the program in the past and particularly if the topic is important and has specific application to municipal engineers.

These scholarships provide for the selected recipients to attend the APWA Congress in Denver, Colorado, USA from 18th to 21st September 2011 followed by a further two weeks study on an itinerary prepared by the study tour group that may include USA, Canada and UK.  The Foundation will provide grants of $10,000 to each engineer selected.

Closing Date

The closing date for scholarships is Friday 4th February 2011 and applications are to be forwarded to the MEF Secretary by email to

Further Details

Requests for conditions and specifications and all other enquiries regarding scholarships should be made to the Secretary, Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria, Telephone (03) 9699 1599 Fax (03) 9682 8977, (PO Box 5175, South Melbourne  3205).  E-mail: or are available on the MEF Vic website at

Presentations from the speakers at the recent Procurement Excellence Conference are now availalbe on the IPWEAvic website and can be accessed via this url

Conference Program
This full day conference was held at the Darebin Arts Centre, Preston on Thursday 14 October 2010. Download a copy of the conference program here.

Conference Presentations
The conference presentations are available for download

Importance of Procurement, Findings From Investigations into Best Practice Procurement in Local Government Ronald Mak, Sector Director Local Government, Financial Audit, Victorian Auditor General Office. File size: 144KB.

What is the Municipal Inspector’s Role in Procurement? Jason Young, Senior Manager, Municipal Inspector’s Office. File size: 226KB.

What the Contract Industry is Saying About Procurement. Claude Cullino, CEO Civil Contractors Federation Victoria. File size: 1.78KB.

10 Tips and Processes that Procurement Professionals Should Use to Avoid Problems. John Taylor, Acting Ombudsman. File size: 560KB.

Procurement Excellence Program, Government Directions and the Role of Local Government. Chris Newman, Manager Councils Reforming Business, Local Government Victoria, DPCD. File size: 1.14MB.

Procurement for a Sustainable Outcome Hugh Wareham, CEO Eco-Buy. File size: 3.74MB.

The Role of Probity Auditors & Advisors, & Where to Use Them in a Practical Sense Michael Shatter, Partner, RSM Bird Cameron, Probity Advisors. File size: 690KB.

Social Procurement Guidelines: What are They & How Can They Be Used Effectively in Local Government? Mark Daniels, Manager Learning and Development, Social Traders. File size: 900KB.

Case Study: What is Excellence in Local Government Procurement? City of Greater Geelong – New Procurement Thresholds & Evaluation Methodology. City of Greater Geeong. File size: 2.54MB.

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