Archive for January, 2010

CivilWorksExpo 2010

January 29, 2010 | No Comments | Events, News

IPWEAvic is supporting the 2010 Civil Works Expo to be held at Lardner Park, Warragul on 19, 20 & 21st February 2010. Three weeks to go until the event – read update here.

On 19 February 2010 a Civil Works Luncheon will be held at Lardner Park between 12:30pm and 2pm and IPWEAvic Members are welcome to attend at a cost of $60 per person – registration details here.

Also on 19 February 2010 at Lardner Park, Pre- Function Centre the IPWEAvic Gippsland Regional Group will meet between 11am and 12:30pm.

A panel of experts from VicTrack will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding public works on railway land. 

General Manager Asset Management VicTrack, Geoff Walker will present to the meeting.  Peter Mills will be available to advise on cost estimation of works within railway land.  Robyn Evans will attend the meeting as the Local Government Co-ordinator for VicTrack.  A VicRoads representative will also be in attendance to advise on conflicts in the Road Management Act and Rail Safety Acts.

VCEC inquiry into Environmental Regulation in Victoria is now complete.

Take a look at the final inquiry report: A Sustainable Future for Victoria: Getting Environmental Regulation Right, together with the Overview and Recommendations Report, Government Response and Treasures media release of 22 Jan 2010.

It estimated that five major Victorian environmental Acts (environmental assessment, environmental protection, native vegetation, earth resources, environmental reporting) impose administration and compliance costs on business of between $185–$431M per yr of which it is estimated $30-$48M are unnecessary costs.

Unnecessary costs to business from these regulations can be reduced by:

  • providing greater clarity about key strategic and regulatory objectives
  • extending risk-based approaches to regulation in some areas
  • replacing some prescriptive regulations with outcome-based approaches
  • improving assessment and approval processes to reduce timeframes
  • removing duplication and overlap in areas such as environmental reporting.

 Improved environmental outcomes can be achieved through:

  • more effective compliance, including performance reporting and evaluation
  • improved accountability and transparency about outcomes in some areas
  • greater use of incentive-based arrangements
  • better aligning regulation with ecologically sustainable development principles.

 More information

View WHK Economic Outlook for 22 January 2010 here.  For more information visit WHK website here.

Peninsula Link Project

January 23, 2010 | No Comments | News

Southern Way have been awarded the contract to build and deliver the $759 million toll-free Peninsula Link project.  The Southern Way consortium, comprises Abigroup, Bilfinger Berger and the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Southern Way will finance and build Peninsula Link, as well as operate the roadway for 25 years with the Victorian Government to make quarterly payments under an Availability PPP. It is expected Southern Way will commence preparing for detailed design and construction of Peninsula Link immediately, with financial close on the contract scheduled for mid-February.

Key aspects of the Peninsula Link project include:
• Construction of 27 kilometres of freeway standard road, 11 local road connections, over 35 bridges and 18,000m² of retaining walls;
• An urban design that considers sensitive areas like the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve;
• 22 kilometre of walking and cycling paths from Patterson Lakes and connecting with other popular paths in the area;
• a major sculpture at the Peninsula Link/EastLink interchange;
• Approximately 1.5 million plants, shrubs and trees planted; and
• A partnership with the Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies (CERES) to teach local school children about environmental initiatives.

Read the media release here.

The Gippsland Regional Group will hold their first meeting for 2010 on Friday 19 February at Lardner Park, Warragul in conjunction with the Civil Works Expo.   More details will be available very soon.

Enquiries should be directed to Jyoti Ghosh, Regional Co-ordinator

The Geelong Regional Group has scheduled the following meetings during 2010 :-

  • Wednesday 24 February 2010
  • Wednesday 28 April 2010
  • Wednesday 4 August 2010
  • Wednesday 27 October 2010

If you would like to participate contact the Regional Co-ordinator,Vicki Shelton,

Detailed agendas of the meetings will become available closer to the meeting dates.

With endorsed promotions to over 60,000 students, including those in the Civil, Chemical, Environmental, Mechanical, Manufacturing, Electrical and Computer Engineering schools, and SPECIAL OFFER savings of up $1150, the RMIT Careers Expo is a highly effective way for employers to source work-ready graduates for public works engineering positions and build their brand as an aspirational employer of choice. For more information please visit    

What is the Expo?  The expo is a chance for employers to promote and discuss graduate employment opportunities face-to-face with some of Victoria’s top engineering graduate talent.  

Who is it for?  Organizations promoting graduate employment, internships or volunteer opportunities.  The expo is annually attended by around 3000 RMIT graduate job-seekers. 

How do I join?  For information and registration, visit or email .  Places are filling fast.  Registrations close February 19, 2010.

SPECnotes Summer 2010

January 23, 2010 | No Comments | News

Access the Summer 2010 edition of SPECnotes, the quarterly newsletter from NATSPEC here.  View the latest TECHnotes Index click here. 
The worksection 0169 Green star – office as built submissions can be viewed click here
If you would like to participate on a voluntary basis in reviewing worksections for NATSPEC please send an email outlining your interest to

Civil Construction Conference 21 July 2010 to be held at Etihad Stadium. 

The program for the day includes industry speakers and presentations of the highest quality and profile and is aimed at management and supervisory staff.

The conference focus this year is on Alliance Contracting, including developing effective alliances, efficient project management strategies, asset management, tools for procurement and highlights best practice in civil construction.

Download the brochure here

2010 Works & Engineering Conference at Bendigo 23rd and 24th September 2010. 

Download brochure and registration details NWEC_6page.

Sponsored by Downer Edi Works the Works and Engineering Conference 2010 is to be held at the Bendigo Exhibition Centre. The keynote address will be given by Rob Spence, MAV.  Jason McCartney will inspire the delegates with his fighting spirit and refusal to quit when all odds were against him.  The program is full of practical demonstrations of equipment and products, toolbox sessions with take home points on current issues of significance to the sector and presentations including case studies.  The conference dinner will also host the MWOA Awards and an address by Shane Hickey.  A business breakfast is supplied on the Friday morning with the conference closing after lunch with entertainment by Billie & BJ.  Make sure you head up to Bendigo to network with those in the industry and pick up a few points to take back to your workplace from the toolbox and demonstrations. Enquiries to

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