Glen Eira Truck Wash and Wet Waste Handling Facility

Mar 25, 2012 by     Comments Off    Posted under: Capital Project

Glen Eira City Council has over 22,000 draining pits, 535km of underground drains and receives approximately 1,000 complaints per year from its residents in relation to flooding issues.

Council has a fleet of approximately 160 commercial vehicles across its parks and infrastructure maintenance operations which include street sweepers, mowers and specialised drain cleaning units.

With an ever increasing emphasis on environmental protection, and risk management including flood mitigation, efficient operations are required to ensure Council meets community expectations.

The Glen Eira Truck Wash and Wet Waste Handling Facility is a new facility for Glen Eira that meets these expectations. It improves the efficiency of Council’s drainage maintenance operations, it reduces energy and potable water use, and it is built with safety in mind.

The facility was built between May 2011 and September 2011 at a total project cost of about $600,000.

This facility provides multiple benefits for both the organisation and the Glen Eira community.

Download full details about the Glen Eira Truck Wash and Wet Waste Facility

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